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Bookstore Neon Sign

Subscription Plans

How can we help?

  • Small Business

    Every month
    Perfect for someone starting up a business, or needing some small stuff done.
    • One request at a time
    • Average 7 day delivery
    • 1 Brand
    • 1 User
    • Easy credit-card payments
    • Pause or cancel anytime
  • Medium Business

    Every month
    Needing more done monthly but maybe not enough work for a full time designer
    • One request at a time
    • Average 5 day delivery
    • Unlimited brands
    • Unlimited users
    • Easy credit-card payments
    • Pause or cancel anytime
  • Pro Business

    Every month
    For those that need consistent work done.
    • Two requests at a time
    • Average 72 hour delivery
    • Unlimited brands
    • Unlimited users
    • Easy credit-card payments
    • Pause or cancel anytime
  • Big Business

    Every month
    Lots of work to be done, for those that need a complete revamp or consistent branding.
    • Two requests at a time
    • Average 48 hour delivery
    • Unlimited brands
    • Unlimited users
    • Back up media storage
    • Easy credit-card payments
    • Pause or cancel anytime
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